How to drink apple cider vinegar safely and the potential dangers

How to drink apple cider vinegar safely and the potential dangers

Chun 0 112 04.26 03:18
Apple cider vinegar is touted as a cure to all ailments, from an easy weight loss hack to controlling blood sugar levels.

Celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham and Jennifer Aniston swear by the liquid for it's supposed fat busting properties.

But beware, the latest health hack could be doing you more harm than good.   

Downing too much of the sour fluid without proper precautions can cause your teeth to rot, make you feel nauseous and even potentially effect kidney function.

Although safe to consume in small amounts, the vinegar, which costs as little as £2.50 in health food stores, experts warn the health benefits have not been extensively researched. 

Here, MailOnline examines some of the dangers associated with drinking the acidic vinegar and how you can minimise them. 

Glugging too much apple cider vinegar can cause your teeth to rot, make you feel nauseous and even effect kidney function

It can erode enamel
Drinking too much apple cider vinegar could rot your teeth.

That's because the vinegar is, as anyone who attempted to down a shot can attest, is highly acidic.

Drinking it undiluted could erode your enamel, the hard protective layer on your teeth, warns the NHS.

It's recommended that people don't drink the vinegar straight and instead mix one to two tablespoons into water, or another drink, or add it to a food dressing. 

This dilution won't affect any of the supposed health benefits but will reduce the risk of apple cider vinegar eroding your pearly whites.

If the enamel on the surface of the tooth becomes damaged, it can allow plaque and Gluco slim Bewertung bacteria to reach the softer bone-like material underneath, causing further erosion and even cavities, the NHS warns. 




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